The Owl and The Crone

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A good reminder

I am a professional photographer.

To be a photographer is something I have wanted to ever since I was 10 years old. Yet I was unintentionally missguided by my mother into another career path where I would “make a living“. I searched for a long time to realize my gifts. Only to come full circle, leaving the corporate world behind and at 50 years old I finally began embracing my gift and my passion. Photography. 

Healthcare and the political system. Two of the biggest three dimensional constructs on our planet today.

I recently have been photographing images for a healthcare provide, when I also received calls from a couple local politicians to create branding images for them as well.  I started thinking to myself, why am I getting pulled into working for these very dense, very rigid and controlled industries? I don’t wish to play in that world anymore, yet I seem to be called into it more and more

This is when I had my DUH moment.

I am a light worker!

It is my job to hold higher vibrations of joy, happiness, love and light everywhere I go. It makes total and complete sense that I would be called to play in some of the deepest and most dense systems on our planet in order to shine my light.

I share this because it is a big reminder to each and every one of you - when you are called into the deep dark crevices of the 3rd dimensional inorganic world, you have a major purpose there. It may not be obvious, it may not be a specific, it may merely be that you are being called by a higher power to simply to be present, hold space and shine your light.

So go out there and get ‘em, tiger!