before we begin, a bit about my journey and how I got here…

Linda is a writer, author, photographer, creative alchemist, oracle and intuitive who walks in service to humanity. She embodies lifetimes of wisdom, inner peace, creative play, abundant love, radical mysticism, and a touch of the modern witch. Her current offerings are individually tailored to you, using her an array of intuitive abilities and higher guidance.

Click below to schedule a free 15 minute exploration as to which offering would best serve you or a loved one

Since she was a small child, Linda always felt deeply connected to our Creator, the wonders of our planet and all her creatures. Throughout her life she took baby steps toward her spiritual calling, but never fully stepped into her power. Then in 2013, Linda was forced to examine the trajectory of her life after her stage 3 cancer diagnosis. She left the corporate world in 2014 and by 2015 stepped on to the path toward her life purpose.

Linda Christine’s Offerings

  • Conscious Growth Coaching & Intuitive Guidance

    Linda deeply understands the struggles of the soul and challenges that come with this life. She offers intuitive guidance, shamanic soul reading and co-creates steps for healing. All Linda’s one on one sessions are done remotely via Zoom.

  • Soul Dragon Reading with Custom Art

    Everyone has a Soul Dragon. This intuitive session brings through a beautiful message from your dragon along with activating artwork of your Soul Dragon(s) to hang in your sacred space.

  • Your SoulScript

    Your SoulScript is a window to your soul. This channeled message from your higher-self is presented as original artwork and is a personal portal that activates your soul.

  • Seed of Light Photography

    Linda’s photography is co-created through intention. This is a photography experience, meticulously designed to bring though each subjects unique soul essence.

  • Photography Portfolio

    Scroll through the various galleries to see samplings of Linda’s Seed of Light Photography work and reviews.

  • Soul Inspiring Podcasts

    Podcasts are Linda’s passion project. When she was nudged by Spirit to share stories and interviews with regular people on their conscious journeys, she listened. And the result is nothing short of soul inspiring.

  • Musings (aka My Blog)

    Linda shares her intuitive thoughts, creative writings as well as the channeled messages she receives.

  • My Books

    I have been a part of an amazing anthology entitled, Heart Whispers. And I also authored my own book, Finding Zen with Cancer, which chronicles my cancer journey and how that trauma opened me up to the conscious path that I am on today.

  • Oracle Cards

    I fine such joy in creating my oracle card desks. My first deck, Your SoulScripts, was an intuitively channeled deck of 44 cards. My second deck, The Cosmic Squatch, is a 55 card deck, packed full of Sasquatch wisdom.

the Crone defined

Crone; older, wise and keeper of knowledge, a hag; woman of prophetic and oracular powers or witch; female sorceress, deeply connected to nature.

The Etymology: Crone comes from crown, indicating wisdom emanating from the head; hag from hagio meaning holy; and witch comes from wit meaning wise.

As the Divine Feminine steps forward, she brings wisdom in en mass - held by bold, beautiful, strong and powerful older women. This vision is that of an entirely different world order; one based in self-love, peace, sovereignty and social justice. A rightness to once again live in alignment with nature.

THIS is the CRONE.


Why the Owl and the Crone?

Contrary to popular belief a crone is not elderly woman who has outlived her gifts and purpose. More than at any other time in history, women are redefining what it is to age gracefully. Women over fifty are now a gorgeous force to be reckoned with.

This is why Linda chose the Owl & the Crone as the name for her intuitive practice. The owl signifies wisdom, summons knowledge to see the truth and carries messages from the spirit world. The Crone is selfless, yet she loves herself. She is kind, yet she knows when to be harsh. She is free, she is compassionate and she is wise. The Crone is in tune with nature. She is the elder priestess of the Goddess; the Grandmother whose words are few yet priceless in their wisdom.