The Owl and The Crone

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Be authentically YOU

Are You Being You BRAVELY?

My heart & soul demand full transparency at all times. However, that is not always as easy as you’d think. Depending on my audience, my monkey mind can take over and pull me back down as my ego screams, “Keep your mouth shut, they’ll think you’re crazy!”

As light workers or starseeds, we struggle with being fully transparent around those we feel have not begun (or realize they have begun) their awakening journey. Even around our own tribe, we may keep our personal life to ourself, thinking we don’t want to burden our soul family with everyday issues or perhaps come across as not being as ‘evolved’ as our counterparts (again, that damn ego creeping in).

But now, more than ever, it’s so very important to be the real, authentic you, standing in 100% of your transparency! Good or bad. And here are a few reasons why … not in any particular order of importance as they are all equally important!

1. The planet and the universe need you! You signed up for this gig and you know it. We’ve got a very important job to do and it’s simple. Just SHINE YOUR LIGHT! Be your authentic self. Not your perfect self, just be in your human-beingness!

2. Be authentically you. Not matter what you say or what you do, your soul tribe will love you! They may get triggered or briefly slide into judgement (as we all can from time to time) but it’s important to stand in your truth. We’ve got your back, good or bad, it’s all part of the journey.

3. Repeat after me, “I am a sovereign being of love and light.” You do you (BRAVELY) and don’t worry what others are doing (unless asked, of course). Silently hold a beautiful container of love for them. And if they ask for your assistance, go forth from a space of non-judgment, compassion and love.

4. Transparency. Every. Single. Day. Now I’m not saying go around screaming your beliefs from the rooftop, but if you’re asked or the opportunity arises in conversation, don’t let fear stop you from speaking your truth. Many of us have had lifetimes of our voice being silenced, so it’s understandable that we are hesitant. But if we can shed light on the light on this awakening process- let’s do it!

5. Equal opportunity sharing is a large facet of authenticity. We are currently gathering our soul families for a reason - we need each other for support during this monumental undertaking. Humans learn and grow from others experiences. So many stories have helped me reflect on my own journey and offered me insight I might not have found on my own. NOTE: If you’re holding back sharing your authentic self, consider that there is likely a shadow aspect remaining that is calling out for healing.

There are so many more reasons to BE YOU BRAVELY.