The Owl and The Crone

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I received a message for the collective on my morning hike. The energy of it was way more powerful than any SoulScript I have received. It came in fast & deliberate- there was no pussy footing around. I am grateful and honored to receive


Dear human,

Embrace the sacredness of your being.

Call forth an honor the inner sanctum of your embodiment, the place where your spirit resides.

As you push through the heaviness of your earthbound experience,

embrace the knowing that you are not alone.

You are surrounded by the heavenly Collective of Seraphim

and strengthened by the power of your Galactic brethren.

The coming days and weeks will push our planet into greater revelations

and continue to reveal all that has been part of the inorganic programming of your matrix.

Continue to hold space for those who are not yet sitting in awareness, they will be in great need of your compassion.

Continue two sit and your high heart, breathe, expand that field.

When sitting in meditation or out in nature, this is the practice that will elevate the humans.

Everything that is coming forth is amplified,

so effort must be placed in the area of the unified field in the container of love.

The vibration you hold is not only within your field,

it has an amplified ripple affect throughout the universe,

caring great importance for the shift and expansion.

We hold you in great reverence and honor the sovereignty of your initiative which you have chosen on earth.

Energetics support is available to you, we await your invitation.