The Owl and The Crone

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Higher Self Connection Jan. 8, 2022

I asked to receive a message on trust as it is a biggie for many right now. I am grateful for this message as I am struggling with trust myself and trusting these messages that I am receiving.

This is what I received... as always take only what resonates for you and leave the rest behind.



Where have you been.

When you look back do you see the kind of life that you wish to continue to live or do you see beautiful lessons in the magnificent mistakes.

The human lives in an unconscious state so that he may emerge through a portal of awakening in order to grasp what he could not see before.

This is applicable for the majority of humans going through their earthly experience.

It is the yin and yang, the dark and light, the good and bad, all are to be embraced, all are to be seen, all are part of the experience.

There is nothing that you must do except to embrace the full embodiment of human existence. Go within and listen to your soul, there you will find your purpose and mission for your assignment on planet earth. No need to rush, it will unfold divinely as you are holding awareness.

You will judge yourself and you will judge others, when you can be conscious of what your mind is wanting you to experience you will them cross the threshold to conscious living without judgment. Whether you feel it is right or wrong is of no matter. It is all in the awareness.

Sinking into your heart space, breathe in the energy that surrounds your being, sit in the knowing that there are many beyond your 3-D vision that surround you now, support and hold you in deep love.

Trust the knowing of what you receive, for it is not important whether others can feel your message, the importance lies within you, for your interpretation of the transmission might hold a different energetic signature for others, or may not be understood by those who do not holding the same vibration.

Trusting all is in your favor is embodying the support of Source consciousness.

Step beyond the construct that you are singular and alone, envelop yourself within the light of Creator.