The Owl and The Crone

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Higher Self Connection Jan. 9, 2022

I did an exercise the other night to find out the name of my guides. The idea is to ask for the name of your guide before you fall asleep and the name that comes to you immediately upon waking is your guide’s name. It may take 2-3 nights but I am told it will happen.

The other night I did just that. And in the middle of the night I had a dream, I was driving with a couple friends in truck and we were sharing our guides names with one another. I actually had two guide’s names that I said in that dream, but the only one I could remember was Seth. And Seth was the name I recalled immediately upon waking.

Today as I sat in the quiet stillness of the early morning, Seth came through with this message.


The space in between the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, that is where the golden nuggets are buried.

To sit in despair, as uncomfortable as despair feels, is simple and easy.
The elation you feel when your vibration is high as a cloud is effortless.
But that space in between the bottom and the top is where all the work is done. This is the sweet spot where the greatest revaluations are learned.
So I would offer to you that those times when your human self is bored because you is not amplified by one extreme or the other, that this is the exact place where you can learn, expand and grow the most in your soul’s journey. This is the throne where you can sit on high and truly examine those to extremes and observe them in full neutrality.
This is the center point of peace.

- Guide: Seth

I hope you enjoying my 33 days of channeled messages through my higher self. It is helped me to learn the various nuances between certain guides and collectives. The biggie for me still is the trust factor and believing that is is possible for me to receive messages like this. I suppose that is ok, as it keeps me humble. But the more I do it the more confident I feel about receiving.

And I just want to add, this is possible for YOU as well. There is nothing special I do or have done to receive. We all can. It just takes time, openness and just going for it. The only caveat is, the messages from your loving and benevolent guides and angels will always be kind, gentle and without fear. If you ever get fear based messages, that is not from your guides or angels. If you get fear messages, clear that shit out and send it to the light to be transmuted!

Thank you for coming along with me on this journey! I so appreciate each and every one of you!
xoxo Alleson