The Owl and The Crone

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Many lifetimes

6 years ago today we went to the justice of the peace and were married.

11 years ago we came back into each others lives.

We spent 27 years apart, creating life with another partner and raising children.

At 16 years old we fell in love, as best as teenagers can.

But before all of this,

before we every saw that spark in each others eye,

we spent many lifetimes together.

I know this inherently. His soul is so recognizable to me, the depth of our connection is unlike any other. Dare I say I hold a fragment of him in my heart and always have?

He fought and died for me as a Viking warrior trying to save me from pillage and rape.

He loved me even though family circumstances and social standing prevented us from being together, we were together.

He watched me burned at the stake, a love he refused to forsake.

He held my hand as we drown in the ocean.

We lived in Atlantis and Lemuria.

Our galactic fragments as Andromedian, original seeders and grid workers of the planet.

We are Pleiadian and far beyond.

We have been together through may lifetimes. I don’t need proof when I can feel it in every fiber of my being.

And now, in this life, I am just as excited to be walking side by side with this man, on this next leg of our soul’s mission.

*photo taken 2019 on the Big Island, Hawaii