The Owl and The Crone

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A message from The Eagle Collective

As I begin my hike today, in the forest that I love so dearly, I get about 100 feet down the path and look up to see this amazing bald eagle circling overhead. I try to tamp down the deep regret I’m feeling for not bringing my camera along. I stare in thoughtful reverence, acknowledging the wisdom and the power that the eagle energy brings forth.

I have watched the eagle as he circles over the trees near me and then he moves beyond my view. I quicker my pace down the path and catch up with him again as he’s circling my favorite hiking trail. I try once more to catch up with him but I have now lost him, the circling buzzards create the illusion that he is near but I don’t see his beautiful white crown or tail feathers anywhere within my view.

I continue my hike, basking in the magnificence of the gift I have just received. The crows and the hawks begin chiming in for they to have felt the eagle’s power as well. I sense that he is near, yet all I can see are the hawks and the vultures flying overhead.

Soon I start receiving a message :

The eagle is coming in to assist in the collective transformation, the energy that we have been receiving in recent weeks has us on the precipice of a shift in the unified field. The eagle signifies the dominance of the Light at this time, the abundance of Source energy available within everyone’s field in this now moment is significant. We all have the ability to connect deeply with Source, deeper than we have ever realized, to go within the energy, and truly feel the unified field and how it presents so we know what to create and alchemize. This serves as a template for the collective to follow.

The Eagle Energy works in alliance with the Lyran energy, even a as distant relative of the Dragons. All these winged beings are here in this now moment to assist us as we begin to enter the unified field.

This transition is not for the faint of heart, it is something that will take years in human time to transmute, shift and birth on this planet.

The eagle tips it’s wing now to a time in Atlantis, when that civilization was also at a precipice, however their shift turned in to a malevolent experiment of deep cruelty and greed. I am trying to get a visual of the eagle during this time and I keep seeing a manta ray present itself. However to me it seems as if it’s some sort of a water-air hybrid type of being, which perhaps is why I cannot recognize it enough to describe it.

No matter, as the eagle is here to share for this time period, to share the impossible possibilities of a glorious shift that is to come. I am told that this shift will be happening over the next seven generations. This is why it is so vitally important that the beautiful humans being birth in this time be held in esteem. To be looked at for bright Lights of deep intelligence and wisdom, to not be treated as we were treated as children, but to treat them with deep respect and honor the lessons that they share. Even the smallest infant now is capable of transmuting discordant energy and density within their field, extending outwards, further and further as they grow and acclimate on the planet. Eventually I see the fields of all these new humans intermingling and intertwining across the globe. The Darkness moving out, the Light will reign. The eagle has spoken.

-The Eagle Collective

(photo taken by me Feb. 22, 2019)