The Owl and The Crone

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Your Energy Matters

When we get caught in the merry-go-round of continually doing for others, feeling run down and sick, we are actually doing a terrible injustice to the collective whole.

Our energy field is designed to expand way beyond our physical being, to reach and connect to other energy fields around us. The more fulfilled your feel, the more your life becomes happier and healthier. AND when you’re riding on the energy of happiness, you energetically uplift all those around you.

When we continually put others before ourself, we likely have an attachment to martyr energy. If this is your “go to“ mode, it’s time to explore a shift. When we continually focusing outside of ‘self’ and ignoring our own healing, our energetic field does not have the ability to expand, in fact it will contract and reside at a lower vibration.

This is why doing the inner work is so important. The more we focus on compassionate care for our human being and healing our traumas, the more we step into self-love and the more our energy field expands to assist and uplift the collective.

So as we enter the month of love, let’s turn that love inward and embrace all those wonderful and unique aspects of YOU. Start looking at yourself through nurturing, compassionate and loving eyes. Step into the majesty of the amazingness of who you are, a unique soul that came here to embody this human existence. YOU are so very worthy of deep love for self. And that self-love is the best way to heal our planet and uplift the collective, the whole.