Words can inspire. Words can activate. Words can heal.

Your SoulScript

Your SoulScript is soul activating original art comprised of a channeled message paired with intuitive imagery.

** important** add the word SoulScript to the Venmo notes

Order Your SoulScript: Single $177 - Couples $244

you’ll receive a printed and a digital copy in addition to an email on how the message came though and other intuitive guidance regarding the supporting image.

*printed copy is on heavy bonded paper, suitable for framing.

Digital Only SoulScript available for $111

What is a SoulScript

Your SoulScript is unique, activating artwork, a fluid, creative and high-heart centered writing and intuitive imagery, composed by your higher-self and received through me. 

Your SoulScript may be received in many forms. It may come through as a poem of longing, a love letter, a personal note of encouragement or a powerful & honest heart to heart chat that your soul deeply wants you to hear, in this now moment. 

Along with your SoulScript transmission, your higher-self shows me an image that is complimentary to your SoulScript. This image is a vision of what your higher self needs to you see, ground with and connect to, in this now moment. The image that is a part of your SoulScript is a portal that will take you deeper into the message, as well as offer you further insight. 

Your SoulScript is unique to you. There is no other script like yours, just as there is no other soul like yours. Your SoulScript acts as a personal guide to remind your human-self what you need to hear. Your SoulScript is embedded with supportive energy you can use to activate your spirit as you enters the next leg of your conscious journey. 


The Process of Creating your SoulScript

Once you purchase your SoulScript, know that you have energetically offered permission for my higher-self to connect with your higher-self. Hold your high-heart in an open state to share and receive, from your higher-self to mine. 

The transmission will come through me on my nature hikes or in meditation. I get a ping from my higher-self and know your higher self is ready to connect so I can receive the transmission. 

I ground, clear and ask Creator/God to assist in bringing through what your higher-self longs for you to hear in this now moment, for your highest and best good, with grace and ease.

Patience is key during this Divinely lead process as your SoulScript is being created. You’re higher-self/your soul knows and it will share when the timing is perfect. Your SoulScript may come to creation immediately or it may take a week or two. 

Once your SoulScript is complete - I will share a digital copy with you immediately, along with the detailed write up of what came through and then 3-4 weeks later your printed version will arrive, ready for you to frame.

What People Are Saying about their SoulScript

"I was totally wowed by my SoulScript. Linda was able to pull in from my higher-self. And the additional aspects that came through with the image and what was received around my connection to nature was truly profound. I feel deep connection with the entirety of the SoulScript and found it so very supportive and affirming for me. Thank you immensely, its absolutely beautiful.”

  • Anne K.

“Linda’s use of imagery corresponds beautifully with her words in a way that when I see my image in “real life", it immediately aligns me to the knowing of who I am. I cannot explain it, but there is something about how Linda connects the words and the image in my SoulScript that makes me feel as if she has been taking notes throughout my life on what my “thinking mind” needs to hear from my depths of my heart.”

  • Kari W.

“Linda’s photography & writing work synergistically together in my SoulScript to become much more powerful than either one could be on it’s own. My SoulScript works it’s magic each time I interact with it and I am very grateful.”

  • Karianne C.


“I had no expectations before receiving my soulscript but was surprised at the results. The message resonates deeply with me while touching on a struggle hand selected by me for this incarnation.

Upon receipt of this knowing, I have been able to calm my nervous system and accept some of my curses as blessings of awareness and expansion.

This gift is art, healing and acknowledgement. Thank you so much, Linda, for the beautiful SoulScript.”

  • Sandra R.

“I was surprised how great my SoulScript is! It gave me so much insight, but the more fantastic was to read how fit me and it synced with my spirit name that I took as my legal name back in October 2018.

Thanks so much, Linda and the Divine for bring me this great SoulScript to work with. I highly recommend that others to get this lovely reading by Linda”.

  • Alva G. from Norway

“Linda has an amazing energy which I was drawn to immediately. Once I found out about her SoulScripts, I knew that it was meant for me.

My SoulScript was so magical and so relevant for me. I had tears as I read it. It definitely felt as though my higher self was working with Linda on my SoulScript. I can't say enough about how amazing and how much it moved me to read my SoulScript.”

  • Liz R.

“I wanted to thank you for this beautiful SoulScript. I have been soaking this in. There is something very deep about it. Also something in me that feels like a mesage to myself to “step” into another version of myself. I have been feeling it and knew/know a transition is happening. My personality has a a very guarded “neutral” energy to it. I am not negative/positive all of the time, as well as I’m not happy/sad. It’s neutral. The part with that is it’s right on the line. Events can trigger me easily from one side to another.

It’s a new season. Time to step all the way into joy. No need for guarding, no need for walls. The sunflower is a beautiful too. I have always loved them yet looked at them as not really a flower … wierd. My family is from Kansas so my childhood has many memories of tons of sunflowers. They became so common that I mentally think of them as something as normal as a dandelion. Yet this brought out a new perspective, how they too are unique and have such power. Just like me.

Thank you for this SoulScript. I love you bunches!”

  • Kristal V .