The Owl and The Crone

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Channeled message Dec. 14, 2021

I received another beautiful and comforting message while I was taking a forest bath today take what resonates and leave the rest.


Dear one, you must understand that we are in a time of great deceit.

There are many universal laws that have been hidden from you by those that hold the highest power on your planet.

Do know that you are more powerful than your mind is able to understand. The quantum realm only begins to touch upon your God given abilities.

We have entered a new year, a year which resembles a great reset. Begin to feel into new abilities, begin to seek out new realms and communications during your meditation, the connection you have is stronger than ever and the veil that has surrounded you for thousands of years now barely exists.

As you traverse these new realms do not fear any encounters with what you deem or label as darkness, these entities are merely seeking the light that you emanate. Connect with these darker energies and offer them assistance to move into the light and be transmuted.

A legion of angels surrounds you, know you cradled in an orb of protection. Know that as much as you feel like giving up and releasing from your human body, this is the mission that you have promised to complete. You are fully supported. Find souls of like/light energy and vibration. The ones that have crossed your path are here to assist you, as much as you are here to assist them during this challenging time. Embrace this kinship for it is their energetics that support and assist in moving through this next transition.

Release yourself to love and energetic support, remove yourself from those who siphon your energy field, this is more important now as we move forward. It is necessary for you to honor those moments where you feel weak, where your body feels drained, where your mind is swimming in a plasma pool of light, these are all signals for you to move away from whatever you were doing and give your human vessel a rest.

You may also be doing extensive work during dream time. These vivid dreams are your soul working through karma at a rapid pace. If these dreams are not making sense to you, do not mind them, it is most important that you rest and release any concern, let your higher self take the wheel.

Do not become concerned should your normal tasks seem nearly impossible to complete. You may feel like you are going in and out of different dimensions and different timelines at any given time. This is a normal event and again, one that should not cause you concern.

Be aware of the many human constructs that have been placed upon you surrounding this time of year, these programs only exist to siphon your stress and worry. Stay centered and within yourself and hold space for love ones who have not yet awakened. And whenever possible remove yourself from any stressful situations.

The best antidote for any duress is releasing your mind to the void and stepping into nature, asking her to surround you and heal you. She is the wisest wisdom keeper on our planet. She holds the herbal remedies, the animal spirit energies, and the tree spirits, all can offer you immediate healing. You must trust and lean into her arms and you will feel your vibration lift.

Your high heart holds the key to the Akash. Open your heart space wide, expand the high heart with a resonance of pure and unconditional love, through this expansion you will start to receive and download information from many lifetimes before. These are the keys that have been hidden from humanity. They belong to each and everyone of us. Stand in the divinity of your high heart and merely ask to receive.

Honor what resonates in your highest heart and you can make no mistakes, dear one. We are the Galactic Guardians of Light and we are with you, serving alongside you.