The Owl and The Crone

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Dawning of a New Age

During my walk in the woods today I received this supportive message.

Take only what resonates for you.


The dawning of the new age is here.

We are gathered in unison to offer support to the humans of planet earth as we move towards the eminent ascension.

Every day you’re crystalline light body comes more online in an effort to heal, shift and move you away from the density of the 3-D.

The light of the seventh sun is connected to the central sun, it is the source of the DNA activations that your body is currently receiving.

The grandmother guardians have watched this evolution through many lifetimes, assisting with Gaia and holding space for humankind.

The beings on the planet that are here to assist and move you through this eminent transition are from all corners of this galaxy and beyond.

This is the most magnificent transformation that this universe has seen thus far.

It is imperative that you release any fears that are being cast upon you, understand that the doubt will only inhibit your transition and create a difficult shift for your body.

Release into the flow.

You know this.

However, you have found this challenging because of all the empathic data that has been bombarding your field.

Child, release any doubt and fear to us for transmutation, you are about to embark on the most difficult part of your path, lean into the knowing that you are fully supported.

There is much confusion amid the spiritual community. This is why we ask that you spend as much time as possible in solitude, meditation and contemplation, working solely from your heart space in order to shield you from any misinformation and guidance that is not supportive to your human self.

We love you so dearly, my child, the many lifetimes that you have embarked on lead you to this point, and are now revealing themselves.

The more light codes that you are open to receiving, the more the information will be divulged to assist you in this transformation.

Do not concern yourself with thoughts of negative entities or harmful complications.

Remove yourself from the chaos, do not receive the energy imprints that they wish to place upon you. There is more chaos in the coming days and your role is to stay in a neutral and sovereign place holding love in the high heart and radiate that vibration out as wide as possible.

When you are feeling the desire to give up place your wounded spirit in our hands, know that we are by your side offering support, along with the many beings that have come to this planet at this time to witness the great ascension.

We honor this massive commitment that you have made and we will honor and we will rejoice in every shift that you make, regardless of how insignificant your human self may deem these shifts, their importance is more vast and significant than you could ever imagine in this realm.