The Owl and The Crone

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Dear One

I am taking a Spiritual Transformation class that has been amazingly … well, transformative. We are given weekly assignments that push us to dig deep and examine our inner-self and our unresolved conflicts. This weeks assignment was to “write a letter to you 12 year old self in the role of the Mother/Father/ that was absent or incapable of expressing or mirroring the magnificence of your Divinity.” Wow, who would have thought this assignment would be so moving. After writing this letter, I realized it would be the perfect message not only to myself, but to my children as well.

(photo of me and my cat, Mr. Boo - taken by my Gram when I was around 10 years old)

Dear One

Dear One,

You are not alone. 

I will watch over you, every waking moment will encompass keeping your well-being protected until you feel comfortable standing in your solidarity.

Dear One,

You are not unworthy. 

I will meticulously build your self-assuredness through showing you that there are precious lessons in the good and the bad, and you are still good.  

Dear One,

You are not too emotional.

I will show you there is no shame in ‘feeling’, that being sensitive is a gift from Creator and I will show you that being empathic is a super power.

Dear One,

You will not be abandoned.

I will stay here until you are ready to fly, cheering on each step you take into the unknown and continue to be here when you look back.

Dear One,

You are not stupid.

I will foster your strengths and help you harness them until you fully realize your abilities are unique, and you are indeed brilliant.  

Dear One,

You are not ugly.

I will teach you how to honor your vessel and teach you that your inner-beauty is the real you, and that your body is simply the earthly vehicle to carry your distinctive spirit.

Dear One,

You are not unloveable,

I will love you unconditionally, your precious soul will be cradled and held for always in my heart, mind and soul.

Dear One,

There is nothing you are not.

Know you are whole, beautiful and complete.