Higher Self Connection Jan. 17, 2022

I didn’t connect with any higher self messages this weekend as I needed a break to just ‘be’ in whatever was going to open up for me. It was a busy week and my human self was calling for an open schedule.

Today I wanted to check in with my higher self and ask why I was now seeing so many orbs. (I’ll post my video from this weekend on this page) This is the message I received. Take only what resonates for you and please leave the rest behind.



Your connection with spirit is expanding because of the higher vibration you are carrying now.

As awareness begins to settle into the center point of neutrality, one can then hold greater space for soul expansion within the human. As this expansion occurs so does the quantum field, thus allowing the connection to also expand into higher dimensional realms.

As you go within to uncover and release the layers of trauma that the soul carries, this will continue to open up the human for contact with extra dimensional beings. This will eventually become common place for all conscience beings.


Dolphin & Whale Collective: 2-2-2022 channeled message


Higher Self Connection Jan. 14, 2022