60 is Just a Number

When I was in my 20s, 60 years old seemed so ancient. My perception showed me elderly people who discussed their ailments, they talked about all sorts of grumpy, curmudgeonly subjects, and they seemed pretty much against new fangled anything. Sure, I ran into a few “cool” old people, but they were the exception, not the norm.

Today I turn 60.

As an “official” elder, I wish to impart some wisdom I’ve gleaned from the past six decades.

My perception of myself is quite a bit different than the date on my driver’s license or the oldies of my past. The moment I hit my 30s, I mentally stopped ageing, funny thing is, my body didn’t get that memo. Well, to be fair, my beautiful & dear skin suit has been assisting me diligently in course correcting a few wrong doings since my cancer experience (it really is like a whole other lifetime), so we’ll give her the feeling of being in her mid 40s.

Now, my emotional body now, OY! She holds the wisdom of a thousand lifetimes! She is the crone. The hag. The witch. These words have been twisted and degraded over the centuries. Upon closer examination of the etymology, I discover that crone comes from crown, indicating wisdom emanating from the head; hag from hagio meaning holy; and witch comes from wit meaning wise. Who wouldn’t want to carry this moniker of wisdom and holiness into their golden years.

My emotional body has bared witness to beautiful heart expansions as well as countless heartbreaks, from powerful liberations to massive injustices. She resides closely with my soul. And my soul guides her through this earth school in such a way that the lesson carry a deep impact at all levels of my mind, body and spirit.

Ever segment of our life, each decade, each experience - good or bad, is leading your soul on a deeply profound journey of expansion. It’s up to you whether you choose to take the gold nuggets from this earth school, examine them and learn from them or turn an blind eye and unconsciously float through this life.

Either one is perfect. Neither is right nor wrong. They are just choices. And if you’re unsure, check in with your inner-self, your soul knows!


Forest Solitude


Digging Up Roots