The Owl and The Crone

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Once you become ‘real’

It’s true. 

Once you make the leap into spiritual growth you become “real” and embody your true soul essence and can never go back.

But then you you may feel caught between two worlds at times. 

You have to continually jump, with grace & ease, between the 3D & the 5D on a regular basis. 

It can feel frustrating & disconcerting at times. 

Some say “I alway live in the 5D” ...

Well that’s great, but I’m guessing you don’t have a career that requires you to spend many hours interacting with the unawakened public at large. 

Here are some things I do to keep my high vibes & balance between the two worlds ... I would love to hear some of your techniques!

  • Self care is important. Daily walks in nature. Meditation. Breathwork. Journaling. These are all good for keeping your connection Spirit & keeping your vibe high. 

  • When interacting with those yet to awaken, hold space for them, be the non-judgemental observer, and send them love (as challenging as it can be at times, and I’m speaking for myself here😛) just shower them with all the love vibes you can muster. 

  • If you’re feeling triggered, walk away. But make sure you feel the feels. Examine if you’re still holding on to trauma that you may need to process, release & heal in order to bring back that soul fragment. 

This is heavy lifting folks and it’s not easy, but that is also the beauty of it.