The Owl and The Crone

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SoulScript for the children

This SoulScript was received from my grandson, a message meant to honor all the incredible souls choosing to enter this planet over the past several years and years to come.

These kids have come in connected. Totally lit up. They have a level of awareness beyond their years. They will be the souls to assist in shaping and evolving the structures and programs we’re currently tearing down and decommissioning.

Sitting with my grandson today, being totally present, observing him and feeling into a deeper connection with his higher self was nothing short of profound. Sure, to the casual observer - it appeared as play, fun and random activities … but his higher self and mine were doing some major work everywhere went. Not the kind of work that is tangible, but energy and grid work that will contribute to shifting our planet.

I hope the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncle out there enjoy this SoulScript for the Children.

And if you’re wondering what the heck a SoulScript is, it’s a modality my soul created. It is a written message and image woven together into a piece of art. It is a message that your higher self longs for you to know. It could come through as prose, poetry, or a beautifully written love letter.

Your SoulScript is designed as a way to foster a deeper connection with your higher self. The energy behind Your SoulScript is designed to open that pathway or portal between you and your higher self. Think of it as a beautiful intention between you and your higher self to start working closer together and solidifying an already existing bond.