SoulScripts is born
All throughout my life I have always had tinges of intuitive knowings and a draw to the metaphysical world.
In 4th grade, I’d ride my bike to the library and check out books on Witch Craft.
When I was in Jr. HighSchool I’d play mind reading games with my mom to see if we could pick up what the other was thinking.
After my father’s passing, I feel his presence on occasions where I was in dire need of support.
Throughout my work life, I always felt like I was being guided to new jobs and cities. It was always too easy, even when it wasn’t, if that makes sense.
During all of this I alway knew there was something bigger and grander out there, helping me, leading me, watching over me. The older I got, the more my curiosity turned into a driving need to understand and tap into what that force is.
Since my curiosity kicked into higher gear, I feel a closer connection to Source, God, The Creator of All that is.
And, I am finally at a place in my life where I have found myself. I understand and have a relationship with my higher-self. Please know, I am FAR from perfect, but my conscious awareness is always front and center. I am a work in progress. I AM.
Your higher-self is always with you too, guiding you, giving you those intuitive pings. It is like a best friend never leaves your side. If you listen, you can hear (feel, sense, know) what your higher-self is wants to tell you.
I deeply want for everyone to have this beautiful connection. My soul wishes to help others create and cultivate a closer connection with their higher-self.
For years I struggled at how could be of spiritual service, as my gifts are very much on the artistic and creative side. Photography and writing are my gifts, my passion. I couldn’t see the correlation between those gifts and my deep desire to serve others who are searching for this same connection.
Then through a series of little pings and nudges, stumbles and bumbles, I came upon this beautifully sacred and inspiring modality. This is when SoulScripts was finally born.
Your SoulScript is uniquely created by YOUR higher-self, through my higher-self, then transcribed on to paper, along with a beautiful image (also taken by me, but selected by your higher-self) that backs up the overall message YOUR higher-self wants to communicate to you, in this now moment.
a SoulScript created for Sandra, along with her higher self.