Spring cleaning

Did some cleaning up of my “friends” list on Facebook.

1800 down to to 591. I sat and examined why I let it get out of hand. Why did I feel compelled to

collect so many people that I didn’t know. I also had to consider why I was easily letting so many ‘strangers’ into my field. All

this, in itself, was a really interesting study for me. (And that’s a whole other post!)

So many come to FB for different reasons and that’s cool. This post is strictly a share of my journey and my personal preferences. You do you. It’s all good in the hood!

For me I came here to connect with authentic, spiritually minded folks who are on their awakening journey. And unless I’ve met you in person, I’ve had to developed a way to determine if that person (and profile) feels authentic to me, which is how I determined “keep” or “unfriend”. My litmus test is as follows.

First, I tap into my intuition.

Then I ask if that name looks familiar. Have we interacted on FB at all. I scan the profile, (this is where it gets telling for me) is the page all memes with no personal forward or cometary on said meme. I love memes but I also like a little personal blurb as to why you like it or what you’re thinking. Is the most recent post from 2021. Does your page resemble a LinkedIn profile more than a FB page. Purely promotional posts with nothing personal on it feels impersonal to me. I found a few angry folks, some dark energy too. And then there are the pages filled with posts from other people with 96 tags - this is a big “why?” for me.

When I see a profile I look for the following; I long to hear your thoughts on me memes you post, get a real feel for your sense of humor. Then there is the juicy pages that I love… People sharing their story of a trauma they worked through, a lost love that they healed from, a triumphant story of recovery. And I’m a visual person too, so if you add photos to the story that’s even better… and I absolutely adore these gritty, strong humans who are bold enough to go on camera and video themselves talking about these stories or sharing their gifts or anything aligned with that. THIS is what gets me jazzed. THAT is an authentic connection at its finest. I love the nature photos, the family pics, the vacations. The real you!

So this is how I got from 1800 to 691. I plan to do more spring cleaning so if you fall into any of the above categories- don’t take it personally (although I doubt you’d even know). And going forward I’ll be doing my due diligence on any new FB pals.

I’d love to hear how YOU determine which friend requests you accept and if you feel too many people on your friends list too much or too awesome.

photo: Sedona, March 2022


A dear friend is dying…


A magical evening…