Travel is good for the soul

Wanderlust is defined as a strong desire to wander or travel and explore the world.

You don’t need to travel far. You don’t need to travel extravagantly.

Travel could be as simple as exploring a park in your city that you’ve never visited.

Travel could be randomly picking a city in your state and driving there for a day to explore.

You can dig deep when traveling, it takes you out of your comfort zone. It removes you from a stagnant way of seeing things.

You can even go so far as exploring new continents and cultures. Learning new things about the history of the places you visit. The wildlife you see, the foliage that is growing, the lifestyles and local food, all carry rich codes of information for you to evolve and learn.

I am grateful for our travels, both near and far. It certainly stirs up so much magic inside me.

I feel called to different places at different times, I am certain there is some synchronicity involved in that, some sort of planetary grid work perhaps. I don’t question it and I don’t always understand or know why, but I feel very blessed that at this time in our life both Greg and I have the ability to travel wherever we wish. And I am certain that was done by design.


I have found the one my soul loves.


Many lifetimes