The Owl and The Crone

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You can’t make this shift up!

A few days ago I decided to brave the mosquitos and horseflies and take a hike in the woods. I had a few requests for SoulScripts (which I receive during my hikes) but on this day I really wanted to focus on me and connecting nature, just the two of us.

But Spirit had other plans…

I was going to leave my phone in the car and just bring my camera. Before I even arrived to the woods, I heard that I need to create Elizabeth’s SoulScipt. I though to myself, “Nah, that’s not possible - I haven’t even received permission from her higher self.”

Once I arrived, I park and proceeded to put my cell phone under my car seat - then I heard, NO. Take your phone with you. “Ugh…” I thought, “but I just want to walk and take pictures today.”

I begrudgingly brought my phone (and my camera too), I knew at that point a transmission would be coming through and it would likely be for Elizabeth. The feeling was so strong and kept getting stronger. It was unusual for it to be this powerful BEFORE I had even received permission from her higher-self. But I have learned to trust where I’m being led.

I walk about a hundred yards and I was compelled to take a photo. THIS photo.

I started transcribing what was coming through - I use my talk to text feature in my 'notes app' on my phone. I started to get a sort of prose coming through. About a mile into my hike, the whole thing did a 180 degree flip. It abruptly changed into this rhyming style of poetry. “This is odd”, I thought.... but TRUST the process, I told myself.

Suddenly got this strong sense that this wasn’t Elizabeth’s higher-self communicating with me. I immediately knew it was her deceased husband! And he was coming through loud and clear. I easily transcribed the whole piece before I was half done with my five mile hike.

At one point, he gave me the line “when you count the rings of a fallen tree, each ring marks the love that I hold for thee.” I chuckled to myself and said, “Really? You want me to say that?” No sooner did I say those words, I look up and directly in front of me is a fallen tree, right in the middle of the path. Holy sh*t!! You can’t make this stuff up!

Later in my hike I received the message that the image that needs to go with the poem is a butterfly. So when I got home - I found a beautiful yellow butterfly photo I had taken. I got everything beautifully organized on my computer and was told it needed to be a monarch….WOW… this guy is demanding! But I REALLY like it.

So I looked up the spiritual meaning of the monarch and found this… "A Monarch Butterfly is mostly a deep Orange Color with Black vein-like markings, as well as a Black outline along the outer edge of each wing. The meaning of orange encourages you to dig deep to reconnect with your courage and excitement to live in alignment with your passions and heart's desire. The black color meaning as an accent reveals that you need to let something in our life die and fade away in order to embrace the positive change and transformation that is possible and in store."

Again… you can’t make this shift up!

A couple days later I’m looking through my photos from my hike that day, I had only take about a dozen pictures because Louis ( I later found out that is his name), keep me busy with his poem for his beloved. Well, imagine my surprise when I loaded up my images and found this GIANT orb! Clearly Louis’ energy was incredibly strong that day, beyond all doubt!

I am deeply humbled and grateful to be creating in this realm with all this beautiful energy. SoulScripts is turning into an amazing blessing for so many, as well as myself! It is incredibly magical to receive these messages. As creative as they are, they are also so deeply insightful.