Intentional Invitations

Light flairs in photography are normal. Light codes and visits from Elementals, Orbs, Angelics & Galactics … well, not so much. But Seed of Light is making this the new normal in photography. All you need to do is ask. *wink*

The images below are unretouched, The only adjustments are boosting the contrast or lightening slightly to get our ‘invited guests’ to show up clearly in the image.

How do we do it? It’s all done by setting the intention and carrying high vibrational energy into your session. In each case, the subjects set their intentions a few days prior to our session. On the day of, we perform a guided meditated and bring in the intention, again. During the session, our subject intuitively invites the guests in, again.

The results, well … it’s simply divine magic!

Color is light energy. Energy is stored in light. Matter is frozen light.

According to science, light is the cornerstone of quantum mechanics. The physics suggests that what we see in life is actually energy that appears solid, that it is actually an illusion created by the mind. “All matter is frozen light.” according to Physicist David Bohm. There is little distinction between the principle of quantum physics and those of the ancient mystical traditions. Science has now given rise to new models of reality in which light plays the starring role. Light is powerful and all-encompassing. It constitutes both solid form and life-sustaining energy.

The lines of separation that have been drawn between science and spirituality are finally blurring. Our bodies are biological light receptors. They transform inner light and sunlight into life sustaining energy. Light is the core of our being and is a formidable ally in the strengthening of our life force. Light in the body holds information and can offer us information as well. So it is no surprise that light carries codes embedded in it’s fractals. We believe the light apparitions are forms of communication and the energy encoded in these light flairs can offer us messages that our soul can decipher.


Earth Goddess