It’s coming upon that time again where the United States, or I should say the Divided States, have the political posts are popping up all over Facebook. There is clearly so much misinformation out there for those still participating in the political arena. I have not witnessed much of any deep dives and due diligence. From what I have seen, many have just chosen the path of least resistance and go with whatever narrative their media source is dishing out.

Conversely, many are exiting that arena. They can no longer adhere to the degrading chatter of hanging various political figures in Facebook effigy. Especially for the empaths, this literally hurts the soul to witness.

Thus the gap widens as the divide becomes a canyon without a bridge.

The world we once knew is quickly crumbling, morphing and transforming. We are seeing the birth of the new earth. There are many thoughts, channelings and precognitive ideas on what this might look like. None of them are wrong, not all of them are right. Many timelines are being created around this. It is up to us which one we wish to see play out. Holding a strong intention for what you wish to see is so very important.

For all we know we have created several billion new earths, all with varying degrees of differences. Because no one has actually successfully, completely hacked the matrix as of yet, this might be a viable assumption.

I would like to share with you a little bit of what my new earth looks like. Most days I actually live there, especially when I am able to avoid social media for any length of time, lol.

- My earth is filled with pure Source love. This love is so overpoweringly beautiful, yet not so intense that I cannot carry out my daily play. I generously share this love with everyone whose path I come upon.

- On my earth I am surrounded by all my high vibe loved ones, we do not discuss politics, conspiracy theories (which have been more like truth theories), we show our authentic selves to one another and know what we can trust based on our deep levels of discernment.

- My earth is intensely beautiful, the colors are so rich and vibrant. We live in harmony with nature. We honor and accept the beautiful gifts from the land that feed us, shelter us and hold us in her bosom. We live simply, we do not own the land, we are her guests. Things do not matter to us, trinkets are not important. The true decor lies in her sunrise, her majestic trees, her beautiful animals that graze contently upon her.

- My Earth offers me solitude. Peace is an inherent part of life here. The earths oceans move etheric waves across the land, sending soothing emu containing deep soul knowledge.

I literally could make a list of mile long. These are just some of the beautiful intentions that I hold for my earth.

What does your creation for your new earth look like? Are you living in it now? Or are you still entrenched in all the trauma and drama of the old earth? It’s your choice, there is no right or wrong, but if you don’t start living the life you wish to create in this now moment, you may never be able to bring it to fruition. Intentions are powerful keys to manifesting.

*Artwork from my SoulScripts Oracle card deck. Copyright Linda Christine Stansberry


The Synchronicity of Shadow Work


The Duality Reality