The Owl and The Crone

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A magical evening…

The owl and the crone came out last night at an intimate Amour & Light crystal shop event… yes, that would be me, the crone.

My heart is filled with abundant gratitude for the amazing group of women who showed up in a big way. I saw so much strength in these amazing souls, each on a journey of profound unfoldment.

We walked through a guided meditation to connect with our higher selfs, our soul essence, to create individual SoulScripts. The messages they received were so powerful and pure.

Our light code photography was postponed due to weather - but I held beautiful one on one readings with each person (this is the part where I get choked up) and the messaged from their higher-selves (inner-selves, really) were so incredible & heart-felt. I am deeply honored to have connected and witnessed this deeply supportive aspect of each person there.

We were so engulfed in the magic of the evening that we have no photos to show, so hopefully this paints a visual for you.

Thank you Lisa and Suzie for hosting the evening. I look forward to doing it again in May.