A Visit from the Otherside

I had a visitor this morning. Not a visitor in the physical, a visitor in the spirit form.

I was awakened at 3:30am and was called to come to the living room. I shut the bedroom door as my husband was sleeping.

I figured it was my guides or angels wanting to connect. I can feel ahead of time when I should recored my meditation as I can feel heightened energy in my home, so I set up my phone camera and recorded. I relaxed and immediately fell into meditation. It was super easy as I feel I was still half in my theta state from sleep.

About a minute in, I felt the overwhelming presence of a friend of mine who had transitioned over a year ago. It was so strong and obvious to me. Instantly, my friend started to apologize and share some angst that was felt during their lifetime. I instantly brought my friend into my heart space, reminded my friend that even though they suffered in the physical, that they were such a good human with a kind and generous heart. I wanted to make sure that they understood that they should to go to the light. That there was no need to stay here on the physical plane, that they would much more enjoy the light. I stressed that there was no need to hold on to those earthly concerns or worries and they could now release those concerns. I shared that my friend was viewed as a kind and joyful person on earth, even amidst the suffering that everyone saw this person go through in the physical. This person’s heart was innately pure, generous and kind and I emphasized that.

I did not post the full length video as there were many minutes leading up to this where there was absolutely no activity on camera. The this flurry of activity starts up. I though it was beautiful that my friend's energy showed up as so many orbs, overwhelming the space with the physical presence of all these glowing balls of light.

I soon felt my friend’s spirit dissipate. My physical body was overwhelmed with emotion. I got up and shut off my camera. I sat with that feeling in my heart for a while until I heard some bells ring from the other room. I got up as I though it was my cat getting into something, however my cat was resting on the windowsill. I believe it was a nod of thanks from my friend.

I wanted to share this as I know many in the physical are saddened from losing loved ones who have transitioned. Especially this time of year it can be difficult. Know that you can connect with them in spirit. You can offer them solace and direct them to the light. I believe my friend needed some closure which is why my friend was present today. However, you can also connect after your loved ones have transitioned to the light. Connect in through your heart space, you’ll know when you’ve made that connection as you’ll feel the overwhelming presence of the energy of their spirit body and perhaps feel very emotional for no particular reason.

Our loved ones who have transitioned are never far. Many of them even watch over us, like guardians. We are ALL eternal beings. All of us. Hopefully this brings some of you comfort in knowing this.

If you’re interested in seeing how all this transpired, I posted a video of it on my YouTube page CLICK HERE


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Trickster Energy