Trickster Energy

Today as I was driving to the forest for a hike, a coyote crossed the road right in front of me, turned, glanced at me and continued on its way.

I am not one to take an encounter such as this lightly. Coyotes are rarely seen by man unless at a distance and even more rare is seeing one out after sunrise.

Many Native Americans view the coyote as the trickster. So for me, it is no surprise that this energy showed up as direct and as powerful as it did this morning.

In the last 48 hours I have been reminded of all the illusions that are present in our perceived reality. So many tricks and so much deceit shouting for humanities attention on a daily basis. If you are not one who digs deep into discernment, it is very easy to be fooled by trickster energy. False narratives offered up as solid truths by the news media, the belief that we must live divided is ever present in our political systems and degrading a person’s character based on your own unresolved trauma & lack of discernment is quite prevalent.

The real trickster that resides within the illusion is the falsehood that that our reality is created FOR us, when the truth is our reality is created BY us. The only thing that is real is the reality YOU create on a daily basis. If you believe your partner is against you, then you have created that reality. If you believe that all your friends are talking behind your back, then you have created that reality. If you give full trust in a source outside of yourself and you wish to blindly adopt that belief, then it is now your reality. You are the architect of your matrix.

The trickster energy is at a heightened level. Operating from a space of deep heart coherence and staying connected to your soul’s deep loving resonance is imperative. This means seeing through a lens of unconditional love, viewing circumstances, situations and people around you without emotional charge. Seeing & hearing others with complete neutrality, and accepting each and every human for where they stand in their soul journey, without judgment and without attachment.

I have witnessed so many humans standing with a closed heart in recent days. There is nothing that I can say or do to change them. I can only stand in my sovereignty, emanating love, holding space for what ever their human feels they need to express and then go about my business.

All this is not to say that I am perfect by any means, for the coyote trickster energy serves as a reminder to me too. I have been in a place of defeat, feeling deflated, unsure and rejected in recent days. I allowed my spirit to become bogged down and pulled into the muck & mire of chaotic collective energy. I need this extraordinary reminder just as much as the next person. Even teachers and healers are learning lessons each and every day. Standing in your power, as a conscious spiritual being, does not mean that you are beyond the lessons of this earthly plane. We are all here to experience all the emotions, a vast range of feelings, the heaviness and the sadness, just as much as the happiness and joy, as these in themselves are beautiful teachers assisting us in our soul’s growth.

Some days I wish these lessons weren’t so applicable to me, but then I remind myself this is the exciting adventure of ups and downs that my soul signed up for. The more I keep moving forward using discernment, with love in my heart, the more I can truly embrace all that this incredible planet has to offer.

Photo Credit: Plant City Observer, Plant City FL


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