The Owl and The Crone

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Higher Self Connection Jan. 14, 2022

Please take only what resonates and leave the rest behind.


So much is rapidly shifting on your planet right now.

As you work through the process of awakening and shifting you may look outside of yourself for guidance. If the messages you are receiving from others do not resonate it is time to go within.

If a particular modality no longer serves your human self, it is time to seek that healing from within.

There will always be dark and light within all communities on your planet. Encountering the darkness in another serves as a step toward your own unfoldment. You learn and discern you are capable of going within, without the need to seek outside of yourself.

This is part of the playground you have created. Like a child you are exploring, seeking, discovering and learning. It is no right or wrong for it is all part of your path.

When there is a desire for healing, go within and explore that desire. Ask your higher self what is the way to healing. Calm the mind and center in the heart. Do not doubt. Learning from one another is only part of the path, it is important that we not relinquish your sovereignty to another with expectations that answer is without. The answer is within.