Riding the energetic wings of the Universe

Being in the flow is like riding the energetic wings of the Universe

What does it mean to be in the flow?

There is a universal energy that runs through and around everything. Everything in nature, everything man-made, every human being and every animal on the planet.

It goes way beyond the feeling of being totally immersed or completely engrossed. To me being in the flow is to be in a perpetual state of release. Releasing your inhibitions, releasing your sense of what makes sense and releasing your preconceived notions of how it should look in appear. Being in the flow takes unconscious-conscious awareness, intention and then surrender. When you are in the flow state, anything and everything around you becomes a breadcrumb.

Let me explain the unconscious – conscious awareness. I wish to be in the flow state so I set the intention of being in the flow throughout my day. I’ll bring into my conscious awareness that I want to be observing anything and everything around me, without judgement; that is to say I hold no feelings of good or bad, I am merely a witness. Then I begin to lean into my intuition, is what I am seeing a message or meant to guide me? Does the observation without judgement hold any message for me? Here’s what I am seeing in my conscious awareness leading me a particular direction? Now I just feel and release. I release to my subconscious (inner self, higher self) to take over the navigational process.

This takes a bit of practice, because as humans we like to assign and categorize everything in front of us and it becomes more of ‘thinking with the head’, rather than being in the flow which requires being the heart space.

Our mind loves to play tricks on us, it is where the ego resides. And I am not talking about being egoic, I am referring to primal ego that puts us in a flight or fight mode. Or in the overthinking mode. The grips of the mind are fascinating, they can be so strong and override any heart centred feelings or gut instincts.

Which leads me to the other “brains“ of our human operating system. We have all heard about gut instincts, the reason for that is because our solar plexus or stomach area is another brain within our body. We can all relate to those gut instincts, it’s a powerful inner knowing that makes our stomach feel upset, nauseous or out right certain that something is good or bad.

Then we have the third brain in our human operating system which is the heart centre. This one is more challenging as it requires the human to feel, deeply feel into a particular situation or question to discern its validity. To do this we sit in the heart space and see if what we are feeling holds resonance.

I believe many of our emotions and feelings reside in the heart space. There is a beautiful meditation that a dear mentor and friend of mine shared with me where we walked into the very back, dark recesses of my heart space. I was shocked at the things that were hiding in the dark that then became illuminated for me to observe and release.

So, where am I going with all this? I am simply hoping to open your awareness to the “flow state“. It truly is not a mythical, magical place. It is simply releasing to the energetic flow of the universe by using the tools I have described above. Of course there are other ways to achieve this, and I would love to hear from you the tools and techniques you use for moving into a state of being in the flow. And if you have found this helpful or even intriguing, drop me a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts around this.


A post revisited from 2020


Spring Equinox