A post revisited from 2020

I am not claiming to be any sort of Sage - just an old Crone here, but I have lived through a few of life’s dramas. One of the more prominent life experiences I’ve been handed was my stage three cancer diagnosis back in 2013. A while ago, I purposefully stopped drawing upon that time my life as it is an energy that no longer aligns with my being, but during my walk this morning, a powerful message came through that there are some wonderful comparisons to be drawn between an enormous life event and the wisdom each of us can gain from such a so-called trauma. I now look at my cancer journey as a gift and an incredible awakening for my soul. then I started to think, could it be that the human race, as a collective, is being given that same gift right now?

If you know me, you know that I like to ask a lot of questions, sometimes to a fault. I don’t do it to be nosy, I am just incredibly curious about so many things! And as I started contemplating this thought, many, many more questions arose.

What if this virus it’s not really about the virus? What if it is about you, and your inner self being called to find peace within? Perhaps those who are not called to work right now are being given a enormous gift of time, time to reflect, time to find out who you are and who you need to become? Maybe this gift of time is for you to go out in your community and share a special gift or give the biggest gift of all, your time to help someone in need. Or maybe you’re meant to stop and sit and heal, heal your mind by giving it a break, heal your heart by going within and examining the person you are. Or to heal your soul which may be in a conflict right now but deeply knows there is a greater purpose that will be revealed.

And then we can look outward and see that maybe we are being given this gift of time to truly connect with our loved ones that we have to share our space with for this extended length of time? Maybe we will find a connection with one of our loved ones that we never noticed when we were in our busy world of work? Maybe we will find a renewed sense of love and companionship in a partner? Or maybe we will even go through a challenging conversation or two that could lead us to a resolution that’s been needing to happen for quite some time?

It’s easy to take the low road and feel like everything that is happening is being done to us. But think for a moment about the highroad and maybe we are being given an incredible gift, a gift that could shift the course of how humanity acts and inner acts with one another, a gift that brings compassion to the forefront of everyone’s life. What if we are being given the chance to create a new reality for ourselves and our planet?

And then I think a little deeper, what if this is a wake up call from our Creator to see if we can keep aligned with the energy of love and peace during this stressful event? What if God has a grand and glorious plan for us when we come out the other side of all this? What if that is the real conspiracy behind everything that’s happening right now?

What if we all just stayed present and observed this great unfolding without judgment, without fear?

And I have so many more questions… They are fun and challenging to think about.

What do you think?


Self-Love Experience


Riding the energetic wings of the Universe