The Owl and The Crone

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The Old is Dying Away

Many times situations present themselves in order to bring us an awareness and teach us a lesson or offer a message.

Today on my forest hike, I walked past a recent controlled burn. I have very mixed feelings about these burns, however I was asked to step aside and allow myself to sink deeper into my heart space and examine the message behind what I was witnessing.

Within seconds I heard, very clearly and distinctly, “ This is an analogy for what your planet is going through at this time.”

WOW. The message really can’t get more direct than that.

I sat with that for a bit.

In my minds eye I witnessed all the analogies playing out in the woods. The scorched earth that was purposefully burned to the ground. Yet the fire did not consume everything. The trees that stood high above it all, strong and tall, were unscathed by what took place below down below. New, bright green growth appeared through the charcoaled ground, showing life that growth could not be stopped by the flames. The birds flew in and out of the charred trees and played among the pieces that remained untouched, finding sustenance to continue thriving amid the devastation. The dead trees and gnarled underbrush were smoldering days after, signaling the old was finally dying out. Those who came through with their torches blazing, setting fire to everything in front of them, have now moved on.

The earth will always rise, in spite of the travesties that besiege her. For me, in this now moment, these are very poignant metaphors.

It is always thrilling to make these connections with Spirit. I have leaned that the more we remain open, in flow, with our hearts intending to receive, the messages and synchronicity‘s will find their way to us. Every. Single. Time.