The Pain Body: the Galactic Guardians of Light

I threw my lower back out changing a flat tire on Friday. It was already achy before that, and having to twist and turn that tire off my car just threw it all the way out.

The pain brought up so much emotion for me. I was angry, sad, frustrated, and wallowing in self pity. The only way I could get comfortable was to be still and vertical or to stand up.

By Sunday afternoon I had had enough. I was called to try a walk in the forest.

The forest was the magic pill to put me on the road to recovery. When I finished my walk I felt 75% better.

I still have some nagging remnants of pain that I am sifting through, but I am on better side of the pain now.

Then Monday I took another walk and this message came through. Clearly I need all these reminders. lol

Pain holds messages for us, perhaps of what we are holding on to in the emotional body, or even things we may have brought with the soul from other lifetimes. When these come up for us it is time to examine and release those emotions.

So, I thought I’d share this message with you all, in case anyone out there needs these reminders too. And please, take only what resonates and leave the rest.


The Pain Body

As your body continues to move into higher vibrational states, tune into the subtle cues your body is offering.

You may find as you consume alcohol, as you consume lower vibrational foods, or even as you engage in lower vibrational activities such as arguments or discordant energies with other humans, your physical body will offer up cues that bring you into awareness around physical discomfort or stress.

An example we offer up is that of a heated argument to which both parties are far from agreement, neither wishes to relinquish their point of view. After such encounters you may feel an overwhelming sense in your mental body or in your solar plexus and even sacral body to immediately need to rest. This is created from the high levels of cortisol that has sent your human in to fight or flight mode.

We offer another example, where certain points in the physical body carry feelings of lack of being supported. These areas are signaling distress in order to bring your awareness around an emotional event that you carry within your physical being.

If you have not yet picked up on the subtle signals of distress that your body relays, we would suggest that you sit in quiet contemplation, clear the mental body, ask the ego to step aside, drop into your heart center. As you sit in the quiet ask your body to signal to you where your distress is, then feel into that part of the body bring love to it, bring awareness to it, surround it and source light. Ask that part of your body where does this discomfort come from? You will be able to discern where your body is lacking and how you may go about relieving the pain.

You’re human vessel was co-created on the earth timeline in order to support your souls journey. However your vessel has not come with the operating instructions needed in order to support your souls journey. A large part of your human experience is learning how to care for and operate the human vessel. We understand you have come here to fulfill a purpose, however your primary objective in this incarnation is to embody and embrace the experience of being a human on planet earth. When a human is able to embrace all that is in being human, as an observer in a vessel of divine love, the vibration will follow. The purpose will then manifest as well as evolve.

We have shared the idea of the planet as a great theatrical experience, each human playing a specific role, each human creating a diverse and multiple expression of separation and oneness all at the same time. Neither is better or worse than the other. It is all part of the complexity of this earthly existence. We remind you once again of the boredom and simplicity you have experienced in other incarnations as a higher vibrational being. Earth is an exciting adventure, one to be embraced for the vast spectrum of experiences that she allows.

We now bring you back into the body, emphasizing the examination of the cues and messages that your physical being wishes for you to receive. Should you need to tap in to your higher self/soul, this may open up a greater understanding for you. If you are struggling, set an intention to connect with another human who may offer you the guidance that your physical body needs in this now moment. It is imperative that you use discernment in such interactions.

We lay witness too many humans who are struggling in their body during the ongoing solar events. There are many now who may use the raising of consciousness at this time, on the planet, as an exit point. We do not say this to create fear, this is an awareness that many have already brought forth. Many have not worked with their human vessel intimately to understand the nuances of the messages that they are receiving from their physical body. The clearing is an evitable but not one of concern as the soul is eternal, and connection to those who we love is eternal.

Continue to move forward following your internal guidance, you are held in great reference and love throughout the Multiverse.

- The Galactic Guardians of Light

photo taken at the airport vortex in Sedona


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