UFO or Star Family?

Star Family?

Last night I realized I never pulled up my Sedona photos that I took on my camera. I had spent the past couple days focused on relieving major back pain & was itching for something to do to preoccupy my brain so I pulled them up.

When I got to the last two photos of my astral photography images I found something amazing and unexplainable.

Both these still images were taken one minute apart. In the first image there is something shooting across the sky, we’ll say southwest, (however, I don’t recall) and in the second image there is something shooting across the sky northeast- ON THE EXACT SAME FLIGHT PATH!

My husband is an airline pilot, and was equally amazed. He couldn’t explain it.

Planes have blinking red & green lights and show up as dashes in astral photography. I even caught s couple (posted here also) while I was out in this night.

Now, satellites have white lights, however they are constant and do not leave a tapering light trail as they fly by. They show up as one solid line.

Shooting stars start off strong as they hit the atmosphere and trail off, however they start off much brighter & stronger than this AND they don’t turn around and come back the opposite direction after a minute.

Whatever this is, it takes the EXACT same flight path one direction and then the same path the other direction as you can see by my crude overlay photo photoshop.

So for me, this begs the question…

Could it be star family?


The Pain Body: the Galactic Guardians of Light


of the stars