the pull towards solitude

Leaning into the pull towards solitude. I have seen several posts & it appears that many are feeling this right now.

My higher self has been leading me further into the quietness, the monasticism, the solitude for many, many months. When I believe it’s only temporary, my dive goes even deeper.

Lately it’s become quite apparent that I am being called to ‘just be’. Be with the present, be with what is in front of me at the immediate moment. No plans, just flow. I’ve practiced this for years and all I can say is that it’s gone to a whole other level now.

I have released fighting the ego’s incessant nagging to “do more”, she has fortunately taken the back seat to my heart. I have released my urges to go here or there (as most often it’s a distraction) as I feel the quietness is where I long to travel in this present moment. My spirit is anchoring into family, which coincides with my current trajectory.

So many desires that once filled up space in my life have fallen away. Connections cultivated over the years have become disconnected. What has opened up in front of me is a vast, expansive field that is ripe for wherever my soul wishes to me.

I am grateful for the knowing that all is in Divine order. I am grateful for the peace that my heart embraces. I am grateful for not knowing where I’ll be led and excited to see what unfolds, carrying zero expectation, for today I am riding the Universal flow.

I simply share my path, of which there are many. Take only what resonates and leave the rest behind.


chasing self-love


what I would tell young me