The Shift

Humanity is on the precipice of a large collective shift.

Now more than ever it is vital for each of us to be completely present in everything that we do. Follow you inner guidance/God-dance, letting the Creator take the lead.

Accepting everything you hear and see at this value is no longer an option. We are being guided tap in to our inner-knowing, live our lives consciously, moment to moment, in deep discernment.

The distorted matrix is cracking open, wider and wider, exposing the many dark facets of the false reality we have been forced to participate in. The crumbling of this behemoth is speeding up exponentially.

Stay centered, be present, hold deep compassion in you heart, trust your inner guidance/God-dance. We are headed into the long-haul, but you already knew this as this what we have been preparing for. Love wins.


Who are you?


The Spiritual Bully