The Spiritual Bully

Recently the subject of the spiritual bully came into my awareness.

You may ask yourself, what is a spiritual bully? Well, not much different than a run-of-the-mill bully, however this one is veiled in spirituality. He/she is generally someone on social media who comes at you from a low vibrational place to illustrate that your perspective is wrong in some way. A soul sister of mine refers to this as “guru mode”, those who like to put their own spin on your post, taking away from you and making themselves appear as more “enlightened”.

I have stretched out of my comfort zone and become more comfortable sharing my stories because I believe that all stories make great teachers. I have also started stepping farther out of my CZ by sharing my perspective, thoughts and how I have observed life unfold on my spiritual journey. I share my insights to provoke and invoke thoughts that may not have been considered by you before.

I have held a level of spiritual awareness my whole life. As a small child there were many teachings within the church that actually made me feel sad or bad. As I grew older I became curious about anything that had to do with UFOs, witchcraft, psychic experiences, basically everything metaphysical. But that didn’t fall in line with the church doctrine or other many other people’s beliefs. I felt I needed to keep it to myself and hide my true self. I didn’t want to be seen as “different”.

Then in 2013 I was flung headfirst into my spiritual awakening with my stage three cancer diagnosis. When I came out on the other side, having beat cancer, I found I had developed an “I don’t give f’ck what other people think” muscle that I never had before. I decided that I am going to be me, authentically and unapologetically. For the last 10 years this has made my path quite liberating and expansive, and it continues to be every day.

I am now aligned to my intuition, it has become my ‘go-to’. So when I feel a spiritual nudge, like being called pursue a certain path, or to step out of my comfort zone, I no longer hesitate because my inner-self (what some refer to as the higher-self) knows better than my monkey-mind human. I trust my inner guidance (my God-dance).

As of last fall, I am being called to share more of my spiritual path on my personal social media platform. Do I like that? Not necessarily, but I am feeling guided by Spirit to do so, so I am. My inner-self knows the bigger picture and I trust that. At times some of my shares are met with contrary comments, illustrating that my perspective is not correct. Some are confrontational. And some are cloaked as sweet, but really passive aggressive. Usually I just ignore the comments and move on. Other times I may attempt to share my perspective.

Then a dear friend pointed out to me, that at some point I need to set clear and grounded BOUNDARIES. Oh boy, that hit home. On my personal page I figured I would be fine, everyone knows me here! I didn’t consider that doesn’t matter and that things I bring up may trigger some people. And when some people get triggered, that bully persona appears.

Our energy field is just like our house. We wouldn’t let someone come in and disrupt our home and disrespect our space. Sure, most guests will bring you flowers or a bottle of wine, but some will take advantage of that open door, walk in and all over you with muddy shoes and then proceed to tell you it wasn’t them, you’re wrong. This is where those boundaries come in handy.

Another lesson learned for me (on many levels). My boundaries are now set and my door is closed to those who wish to bully or cast their guru shade on me. I will continue to build my spiritual home (dare I say fortress) with high vibrational bricks. It feels amazing and I plan to keep it that way!


The Shift


Welcome to Chaos!