Welcome to Chaos!

Come on in. On today’s menu, a big, fat, juicy awakening.

Chaos is a catalyst for change. It’s designed to shake us to our core and arouse us from our sleep.

I believe the chaos we are experiencing on many levels, in so may countries and cities around the planet is because deep, intrinsic change is needed.

Now, more than ever, we need to disengage in that chaos and engage in our heart space, engage in love. But how?

Society’s angst is a big distraction, a distraction that is moving us away from the heart, away from love. When confronted with situations that are less than desirable, we are being asked that instead of engaging, that we merely witness the situations with neutrality, be the observer. And then perhaps consider how this is may be a reflection of ourselves.

We are here to be all the beautiful things that Creation can be. Source/God wants that for us. We are here to break the binding chains of negative definitions that keep us tied down. This is the inner work that we are being called to do. This is the time for self-discovery of what we, as individuals hold inside ourself, that brings us down collectively.

When we do these deep dives, we can then see that it doesn’t make sense for us to live this way and hold on to these negative thoughts, patterns or limiting beliefs about ourselves.

It’s time to break the cycle of negativity and limiting beliefs. The only way we can shift into something different is to get it all out on the table. Things that are going on in our world are reflections of us. So look deep into that mirror and start to discern where that negativity may live within you.

It is time to be the change you want to see. This is not for the faint of heart, but big shifts never are, they are for those of strong conviction. It is time to face theses issues within and decide the kind of world we want to live in. Are you up for it?

Then, and only then, we can create anew from a space (within) of love.


The Spiritual Bully


Is failing actually winning?