The Owl and The Crone

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Who are you?

I am a mother.

I am a wife.

I am a grandmother.

I am a photographer.

I am an author.

I am a cancer survivor.

In life we tend to get overly attached to labels. They mold our thoughts about ourself, they even mold other peoples perception of us. The statements that l listed above would not likely be viewed as contentious. In fact, you may see these and find them highly relatable.

But sometimes these labels do more than define us, sometimes they separate us.

I am a Democrat or I am Republican.

I am Jewish or I am Baptist.

I am transgender or I am non-binary.

I am Russian or I am Mexican.

I am Michigander or I am Texan.

These labels are more likely to create discordant feelings or even triggers. Somewhere along the way, the words we use to define us, now divide us. Some even speak these labels backed with the energy of a curse-word, an insult or even hate.

Until we collectively release the labels and start to see one another as simply human BEings, we will continue to contribute to the divide. We are souls that live in meatsuits on dualistic planet. I do not believe we are here to further contribute to the dualistic separation. I believe we are here to simply witness the separation (without trauma, without triggers, without assigning it as good or bad - this takes personal shadow work and that’s a whole other subject) so that we can begin to heal and move forward, as a whole, towards unity consciousness. Only then will we be able to accept one another’s differences and see each other as beautiful and unique expressions of God/Creator/Source.

I am a soul. Who are you?