How the Dragons Entered my Life

In February 2022 I attended a full moon, breathwork, fire ceremony. It was held in the backyard of a little crystal shop right on the bay in Tampa.  When breathwork began I started to feel the sensation of heaviness in my pelvic floor. I wasn’t sure what it was so I just dismissed it. As I continue to move deeper into the breathwork I felt the need to get into a crouched position, The pressure in my root chakra continued to increase. Soon I was being drawn to move closer and closer to the fire. My heart whispered, “trust”.

Everything was coming to culmination, my breathing quick and as if I was in labor, the pressure and my pelvic floor was intense. I suddenly sunk into a place in the in-between. I was neither of the earth or in the ethers. I began to etherically ‘push’. I soon gave birth to 7 baby dragons, each one the color of the chakras. A beautiful rainbow of dragons.

The floodgates opened. I was sobbing uncontrollably, not out of sadness but out of pure joy. A deep joy and pride that only a new mother could feel. These were my babies, I knew them, I knew each one of them. The soul imprint was stronger than anything I have ever felt in the physical. I spent the rest of the evening dripping tears of joy because of this magnificent and unexpected reunion.

A few months went by and I was synchronistically guided as to how I would be working with these magical dragons. I was shown and acrylic pour painting technique that would also the dragons energy to move through the paints and I poured them on the canvas. My soul said,” this is how the dragons will co-create with you”.

I call these Soul Dragon Readings. I am so incredibly impressed at how the dragons are showing up for people. Here are some examples of dragons that have shown up for their humans in our readings. I feel so grateful to bask in the energy of these majestic beings as I receive the readings and co-create the artwork with the dragons.

Soul Dragon Reading & Art

What people are experiencing from their readings…

Linda is a true soul dragon whisperer! Her strong, natural, and intimate connection to the dragons and their divine realm is clear and palpable. My soul dragon reading is a precious gift to me - everything that came through was wholly resonant and uniquely accurate to and for me and my dragon connections. I so treasure my beautiful painting and the corresponding messages I received. Entirely magical, amazing, and invaluable…I HIGHLY recommend Linda’s soul dragon reading !

- Anna Korte

“I am so grateful for my soul dragon painting and intuitive reading with Linda! The dragon she painted is an exquisitely beautiful masterpiece and I will treasure it dearly! What is especially profound about this gift is its multi-dimensional nature. I immediately felt an activation upon gazing at my dragon which was further deepened by the insights which came through in Linda’s reading. My soul dragon message brought tears to my eyes and ignited an inner remembrance of the connection we share. There was a significant shift and opening up which occurred during my reading which I believe allowed for a connection (with an actual dragon) to take place a few weeks later that I will never forget. Thank you Linda for this incredible gift!”

— Emily Ghosh - Harris

My Soul Dragon Art arrived yesterday and I was soaking in her energy and beauty.  She is so breathtakingly beautiful.  In-person I see the puffy texture that was lost in the photo.  And those silvers and golds WOW.   She is so lovely and overflowing with joy!  I feel my heart opening wider as I connect with her and soar through the heavens.  The messages you brought through, wove together bits and pieces of information that had been coming up for me over the past several months or longer.  Such a delightful and beautiful experience from start to finish.

There is no denying the beautiful messages delivered to me via you from my Sky Dragon.  I feel her support and love all around me.  Thank you so much for connecting us

- Renee Jacobs

Soul Dragon Reading with Wall Art


Your Reading Includes:

  • channeled message from your Soul Dragon(s)

  • activating, energy infused, original Soul Dragon art on canvas (8x10)

  • 20-30 minute zoom call to review your reading

  • emailed PDF transcript of your Soul Dragon reading and art

  • original Soul Dragon art mailed to your 7-10 days after your zoom call

Dragon Energy Original Art


Dragon Adoption & Original Art

When dragons wish to come forth, I connect and use that dragon’s energy signature to paint co-create the dragon’s image on canvas. These are originals and limited. This dragon art will be put up for adoption and displayed on my The Owl and The Crone Instagram account (and Facebook).


  • a description of your Dragon and what he or she brings forth in this now moment

  • original Dragon art mailed to your 7-10 days after selection