Communication with the Stars

In order, Orion’s belt, Ursa Major and Cassiopeia.

I have been communing with the stars quite a bit the past few months. I have never felt more drawn to them than I have this yea, 2022. Perhaps there’s is now an opening in my awareness, creating a deeper connection to my star brothers and sisters. Or perhaps I am just recognizing ruminants of where my soul has come from.

I have received many beautiful confirmations from the stars as many mornings they are now communicating with me when I am out for my pre-dawn walk.

Stars, craft, unidentified blinking lights in the sky, glow orbs, they’re all the same to me. They all hold a deep and profound connection to my ever expanding heart and in my soul’s remembrance. There is no doubt in my knowing that they are watching over me, they are with me, and they hold a benevolent heart resonance of love.

The more chaotic our planet becomes the more I am grateful for my ability to seek refuge in this knowingness. It is a deep yet gentle reminder about going within to seek the peace that we crave. There we will find out heart-centered homecoming - which can only be found within each and everyone of us when we choose to connect and remain connected to God/Source/Creator.

I simply share my path, one of many paths available, in hopes that my journey may assist another. Take only what resonates and leave the rest behind.


Heart Space

