Heart Space

On my way to the airport this morning I received a very strong and clear message, “reside in the heart.”

The current energies swirling around our planet, as well as the general collective energy, has me dipping in and out of a state of anxiousness. Anxiousness is not a place where my body has resided for many, many years, it feels very uncomfortable when it hits.

So my higher self, my inner knowing, my soul (to me they are all one in the same) came in very loud and reminded me to reside the heart.

It’s so challenging when you’re out among the world, everyone rushing around, people driving like crazy, people in a hurry to get where they need to go, it’s very easy to get caught up in that energy and forget to reside in the heart.

If you’re not familiar with this process and unsure how to do this, it’s really quite simple. And there’s actually no wrong way to do it once you have set your intention. One of the ways that I use when I am feeling the anxiousness creeping in around me is to close my eyes (if I’m not driving!) and take three deep, slow and rhythmic breaths, this begins to take my energy from my anxious brain and slowly drop down and center myself in my heart. I asked my body to release the anxiousness (or any other discordant feeling) that I am experiencing as I continue to breathe deeply and rhythmically. Once I feel anchored in my heart space, I sit there for a while and set the intention of residing in my heart throughout the rest of my day.

At first this may take practice, you may only feel the anxiousness (or other uncomfortable feelings) subsiding for a brief periods of time. But if you continue with this practice, you start to become more conscious of how you are feeling as you move throughout your day. The more conscious you become, the more you’re present in the now moment. The more you can remind yourself to come back from any anxious or uncomfortable feelings in the body, it will eventually become a habit.


One with the Woods


Communication with the Stars