One with the Woods

I am one with the woods.

I embody the sway and fluidity of her purity.

Deer energy presents itself,

she is timid and unsure, yet transfixed by her own curiosity.

The birds cry out in jubilee,

We have awaited your return, they sing.

I drop deeper into her connection, bringing my center down to the forest floor.

There is a rhythm in the woods, a communal heartbeat that transcends the moss, the pines, all the wild flowers and wildlife.

Within this rhythmic beating I find healing.

A deep healing.

A hawk cries out for its mate and I am brought back to the present moment.

This ecosystem holds everything that I could ever desire.

My heart soars when I am here.

My mind reels with childlike anticipation.

What awaits me around the corner?

There’s so much thrill and excitement in every ordinary discovery.

I am led by the forest beings to conjure up a spell for humanity,
a potion of self realization, of an earthly connection and harmonic oneness for all willing to receive.

This is a gift I extend to you now.

Only you can decide if you accept this present,

in this now moment.

The woodpecker drums a solitary beat,

summoning the elementals to rise.

The Fae dance among the tall grass, rejoicing at the thought of humanity connecting to the oneness that is inherent every soul.

My step quickens along the trail, the excitement I feel building within my belly is ready to explode.

I imagine a world filled with enchantment and unconditional love, first for ourselves and then for one another.

Gratitude flows out of every cell and pore of my being.

I sense the new beginning,

I feel the anticipation of a new world,

one that we create and connect together

with beautiful golden threads of joyous harmony.

  • A transmission from the forest, channeled through my soul


Trickster Energy


Heart Space