The Owl and The Crone

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Higher Self Connection Jan. 12, 2022

I share these messages that I receive during my 33 days of daily connection because I believe they may serve others as well. This one really hit close to home (again). Even though I have released so much in my life, especially since moving into a 30 foot RV, I still have room to release attachment to things or ideas that don’t necessarily serve my highest and best. It’s all a work in progress and it is individual to each person as we are all on our own unique journey.

Please take only what resonates and leave the rest behind.



Release all that no longer serves you.

When Universe is increasingly making you more uncomfortable, it is time to examine the attachments in your life.

What does your human feel is so important that you cannot live without. Why do you feel the need to cling to that. Is there an over arching fear you’ve constructed around that perceived need. Material objects, attachments to certain people, the sense security you’ve created through money, all are part of the false Matrix.

We are entering a time where more humans will be releasing false ideals in order to bring forth their soul guidance.

As you deconstruct the attachments you have created in the mind, the soul is set free to guide you within the universal flow.

The human construct has been programmed on a path of needs, believing that these needs will make them complete. You are all that you need, the Universe longs for you to connect to that realization. Know that you are fully supported.

- from Seth through my higher self