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The Spiritual Bully
Linda Christine Linda Christine

The Spiritual Bully

As of last fall, I am being called to share more of my spiritual path on my personal social media platform. Do I like that? Not necessarily, but I am feeling guided by Spirit to do so, so I am. My inner-self knows the bigger picture and I trust that. At times some of my shares are met with contrary comments, illustrating that my perspective is not correct. Some are confrontational. And some are cloaked as sweet, but really passive aggressive. Usually I just ignore the comments and move on. Other times I may attempt to share my perspective.

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Welcome to Chaos!
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Welcome to Chaos!

Now, more than ever, we need to disengage in that chaos and engage in our heart space, engage in love. But how?

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Is failing actually winning?
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Is failing actually winning?

Have you ever considered that what you perceive as failing could actually be you winning?

We feel obligated to suffer with dis-ease, loss and hardship. This is far from an obligation or invitation to suffer, this is an opportunity to expand and grow as a soul.

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Linda Christine Linda Christine


If this tiny little butterfly can carry on, with tattered wings, still flying and laying her eggs to fulfill her legacy, you can move through anything too.

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Self-Love Experience
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Self-Love Experience

The power of two or more gathering in the Light, the intention of expanding our hearts, and loving ourselves enough to be the best version of ourself, each and every day, is very powerful medicine. Powerful for us individually, as well as collectively.

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A post revisited from 2020
Linda Christine Linda Christine

A post revisited from 2020

What if this virus it’s not really about the virus? What if it is about you, and your inner self being called to find peace within? Perhaps those who are not called to work right now are being given a enormous gift of time, time to reflect, time to find out who you are and who you need to become? Maybe this gift of time is for you to go out in your community and share a special gift or give the biggest gift of all, your time to help someone in need. Or maybe you’re meant to stop and sit and heal, heal your mind by giving it a break, heal your heart by going within and examining the person you are. Or to heal your soul which may be in a conflict right now but deeply knows there is a greater purpose that will be revealed.

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Riding the energetic wings of the Universe
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Riding the energetic wings of the Universe

This takes a bit of practice, because as humans we like to assign and categorize everything in front of us and it becomes more of ‘thinking with the head’, rather than being in the flow which requires being the heart space.

Our mind loves to play tricks on us, it is where the ego resides. And I am not talking about being egoic, I am referring to primal ego that puts us in a flight or fight mode. Or in the overthinking mode. The grips of the mind are fascinating, they can be so strong and override any heart centred feelings or gut instincts.

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Spring Equinox
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Spring Equinox

Spring has sprung

And your world has re-begun.

Joy is in the growth,

As flowers and consciousness birth forth.

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Feeling the Feels on Dad’s B-day
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Feeling the Feels on Dad’s B-day

March 1, today would’ve been my father‘s birthday. My father has been gone for over 30 years, but for some reason today there is an exponential influx of feelings and emotions running through my physical being. Why am I having such a delayed reaction? Or is there something that’s coming up for healing?

My first inclination is to distract myself, I have never been one to open to lengthly ugly cries. However I am going on my daily walk and tears are running down my face, big giant sobs coming from my chest, the memory of him is incredibly overwhelming in this moment.

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Your Energy Matters
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Your Energy Matters

Our energy field is designed to expand way beyond our physical being, to reach and connect to other energy fields around us. The more fulfilled your feel, the more your life becomes happier and healthier. AND when you’re riding on the energy of happiness, you energetically uplift all those around you.

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A message from The Eagle Collective
Linda Christine Linda Christine

A message from The Eagle Collective

The eagle is coming in to assist in the collective transformation, the energy that we have been receiving in recent weeks has us on the precipice of a shift in the unified field. The eagle signifies the dominance of the Light at this time, the abundance of Source energy available within everyone’s field in this now moment is significant. We all have the ability to connect deeply with Source, deeper than we have ever realized, to go within the energy, and truly feel the unified field and how it presents so we know what to create and alchemize. This serves as a template for the collective to follow.

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The Old is Dying Away
Linda Christine Linda Christine

The Old is Dying Away

Within seconds I heard, very clearly and distinctly, “ This is an analogy for what your planet is going through at this time.”

WOW. The message really can’t get more direct than that.

I sat with that for a bit.

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Authentically Yours …
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Authentically Yours …

I haven’t always been able to be my authentic self. Most my life I spent trying to be the person I was told to be or thought I should be based on what my circle friends were doing. Someone who was liked by all my peers growing up (only to realize later, we were all striving to fit in). Someone society defined as successful (in my corporate director job with a six figure income that ultimately made me sick and miserable). Someone who had the perfect family life (even though it was a shit show most days and I was barely holding it together). And someone who really had it ALL going for her (only to realize that no person ever has it ALL figured out).

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The Owl shows the Crone
Linda Christine Linda Christine

The Owl shows the Crone

Today while I was out on my hike in the forest I wanted Source to offer me some direction, I was questioning if what I was sensing was legitimate, (as we all do in this human form).

I immediately saw a fox squirrel scamper into the bushes. They are very reclusive and very private, it is very rare to see them out here on the trail. Again I felt into that and still wanted more direct confirmation, seeing the ass end of a fox squirrel rush into the bushes didn’t feel like enough confirmation to me.

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A Visit from the Otherside
Linda Christine Linda Christine

A Visit from the Otherside

About a minute in, I felt the overwhelming presence of a friend of mine who had transitioned over a year ago. It was so strong and obvious to me. Instantly, my friend started to apologize and share some angst that was felt during their lifetime. I instantly brought my friend into my heart space, reminded my friend that even though they suffered in the physical, that they were such a good human with a kind and generous heart. I wanted to make sure that they understood that they should to go to the light. That there was no need to stay here on the physical plane, that they would much more enjoy the light. I stressed that there was no need to hold on to those earthly concerns or worries and they could now release those concerns. I shared that my friend was viewed as a kind and joyful person on earth, even amidst the suffering that everyone saw this person go through in the physical. This person’s heart was innately pure, generous and kind and I emphasized that.

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Trickster Energy
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Trickster Energy

The trickster energy is at a heightened level. Operating from a space of deep heart coherence and staying connected to your soul’s deep loving resonance is imperative. This means seeing through a lens of unconditional love, viewing circumstances, situations and people around you without emotional charge. Seeing & hearing others with complete neutrality, and accepting each and every human for where they stand in their soul journey, without judgment and without attachment.

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One with the Woods
Linda Christine Linda Christine

One with the Woods

This ecosystem holds everything that I could ever desire.

My heart soars when I am here.

My mind reels with childlike anticipation.

What awaits me around the corner?

There’s so much thrill and excitement in every ordinary discovery.

I am led by the forest beings to conjure up a spell for humanity, 
a potion of self realization, of an earthly connection and harmonic oneness for all willing to receive.

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Heart Space
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Heart Space

It’s so challenging when you’re out among the world, everyone rushing around, people driving like crazy, people in a hurry to get where they need to go, it’s very easy to get caught up in that energy and forget to reside in the heart.

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Communication with the Stars
Linda Christine Linda Christine

Communication with the Stars

Stars, craft, unidentified blinking lights in the sky, glow orbs, they’re all the same to me. They all hold a deep and profound connection to my ever expanding heart and in my soul’s remembrance. There is no doubt in my knowing that they are watching over me, they are with me, and they hold a benevolent heart resonance of love.

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Linda Christine Linda Christine


When I feel the nudge from Spirit, I record my meditation. I invite God/Source, the angels and all benevolent beings of the light into my space. They are more than happy to oblige. To me they are glorious reminders to shine our own light with buoyancy, joy and levity. I am always fascinated how much these energies enjoy us, their playfulness and sparkling willingness to share our space.

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